Manojigyasa- Episode 1

”Manojigyasa” is the radio initiative of Psychbigyaan Newtwork Nepal which exclusively deals with the topic of Psychology and Mental Health.
Our first episode went on air on November -21 , 2015 (mangisr-5, 2072). To listen to our program live, you should listen to Ujyaalo 90 Network, Every Saturday from 5:15 PM.
The program is prepared with the support from US Embassy Nepal, GPYC Nepal and Ujyaalo 90 Network. And the program is coordinated and presented by Kripa Sigdel and Sujan Shrestha.
In this episode:
1) We talked about Psychology and what exactly it is with the help of Dr. Ganga Pathak, Counseling Psychologist.
2) We discussed on the issue of Mental Health in context of Nepal with Mr. Jagannath Lamichhane, Founding President of Nepal Mental Health Foundation.
3) Did you know ‘Why is it good to laugh even when we are sad?’ We gave the psychbigyaan Tip regarding this interesting fact.
Experiencing bipolar disorder

Jagannath Lamichhane writes about the person’s experience suffering from Bipolar disorder in today’s The Kathmandu Post. Bipolar disorder as characterized by mood swings oscillating between mania and depression is very damaging to a person’s mental health which is portrayed nicely here in the article through personal conversation. We all should know the prime importance of […]