‘Psychbigyaan- Kurakani-June series: Power of Speaking to Lead’

As a part of our Psychbigyaan Kurakani Series, we had Ashish Silwal to give a talk on the topic – ‘Power of Speaking to Lead’ on June 30, 2017 held at Innovation Hub, Teku. The program saw about 30 participants from diverse backgrounds. Ashish talked about the ways in which we can speak convincingly, confidently […]
Psychbigyaan Kurakani on ‘How to better support students’ (February)

‘Psychbigyaan Kurakani’ is the monthly discourse program which has been organizing by ‘Psychbigyaan Network Nepal’ in certain topics every month. The motive of our program is to open floor for the topics related to Psychology and Mental Health. And, for the month of February we got the opportunity to hold our discourse for the 12 […]
Psyhbigyaan Kurakani with Renuka Rai (January)

January 3 , Sunday Teku , Kathmandu The fourth edition of Psychbigyaan Kurakani was successfully held on January 3, in ihub Teku. This time we had Renuka Rai working in the field of psychology and behaviour sciences. The topic for the session was ‘Use of Arts in the Trauma Work : Focussed in Children who […]
Psychbigyaan Kurakani in British Gurkha College (December)

Dec 13, Sunday Basbari, Kathmandu This month Psychbigyaan Kurakani was successfully held in British Gurkha College on December 13, Basbari, Kathmandu. As a part of our monthly discourse program, this time we have slightly modified the module of the program from the previous ones. Unlike the last ones, this Psychbigyaan Kurakani was held in the […]
Psychbigyaan Kurakani on Occupational Therapy (November)

Psychbigyaan Kurakani on Occupational Therapy Teku, November 3 On November 3, 2015 Psychbigyaan Network Nepal held the second edition of Psychbigyaan Kurakani on Occupational Therapy. The event took place on the venue of Innovation Hub, FNNCI building, Teku from 3 PM to 5 PM. The speakers for the program were Amanda Peacock and Carla White […]
Psychbigyaan Kurakani 1 – Dignity in Mental Health (October)

Psychbigyaan Kurakani is a monthly discourse on the topic exclusively of Psychology and mental health. It is an innovative interactive session between the experts and the participants. As Psychbigyaan team, we expect it to to create the awareness and interest especially in the mental health and psychology. We hope to clarify the doubts and stigmas […]