Manojigyasa – Episode 2

‘Manojigyasa” is the radio initiative of Psychbigyaan Newtwork Nepal which exclusively deals with the topic of Psychology and Mental Health.
Our second episode went on air on November -28, 2015 (mangisr-12, 2072). To listen to our program live, you should listen to Ujyaalo 90 Network, Every Saturday from 5:15 PM.
The program is prepared with the support from US Embassy Nepal, GPYC Nepal and Ujyaalo 90 Network. And the program is coordinated and presented by Kripa Sigdel and Sujan Shrestha.
In this episode we have covered:
1) Careers in Psychology
2) Sucide in Nepal : causes, prevention
3) Report on Gov’ s policy regarding on Sucide
4) Edu. Tip- How to boost your performance in exam