Clinical psychologist Bijaya Gyawali is worried about the increasing tendency of suicidal rates around festivity such as Dashain . Click the following link to read more from him
Clinical psychologist Bijaya Gyawali is worried about the increasing tendency of suicidal rates around festivity such as Dashain . Click the following link to read more from him
Parent’s Role in Supporting Child during Pandemics: From Counselor’s Lenses!
2 days Workshop-training on “Be Professional You” Conducted’ on 3rd and 4th February 2019
Psychbigyaan Network Nepal is a registered organization established in 2015. It is purely youth led organization working to promote Mental Health and Psychology.The word ‘Psychbigyaan’ is an amalgamation of a English and a Nepali word . Psych means Mind and Bigyaan (which is a Nepali word) means science.
Dhobighat-4, Lalitpur
Bagmati Province
© 2021 Psychbigyaan Network Nepal. All rights reserved.
Made with ♥ by Abhishek Acharya