‘3 Day Workshop on Research and Proposal Writing’ was successfully organized by PNN from May 4 – May 6 at Oscar International College, Sukedhara. The program saw 35 participants from different social sciences background. The program was divided into Qualitative Research, Quantitative Research and Proposal Writing sessions. The program was conducted by two professionals who are well known in their line of Profession.
The first day of the training was conducted by Liana Chase, Phd Candidate, SOAS – University of London. It was very informative and the participants learned about the foundations of qualitative research.
The second day of the training was conducted by Sanjesh Shrestha, Lecturer/Researcher-Tribhuvan University. It was very informative and the participants learned about the foundations of quantitative research and research process.
The third day of the training was conducted by Liana Chase, PHD Candidate, SOAS, University of London in the first half where Participant learned about the Proposal/Grant writing.
In the second half, the film by School Foundation Nepal : Signature Movie Cum Stop Negative….Think Positive: Signature Global Campaign was featured by Social Foundation Nepal.
We would like to thank our Venue Partner, Oscar Intl. college of Film Studies, School Foundation Nepal and special thanks to Nepal Association of Humphrey’s fellow and US Embassy Nepal for supporting and encouragement for this event. Lastly, thank you dear participants for joining us these 3 days.