23 Feburary 2016
Psychbigyaan Team visited Pokhara with their school program from Feburary 16 – Feburary 20 for ‘PESH (Psychological, Emotional, Social, Health Education’. The visit was coordinated and sponsored by Sansar Nepal, NGO that is supporting children for education and skills. Psychbigyaan Team comprising Kripa Sigdel, Sujan Shrestha and Ashish Kafle had completed two workshops on two different schools and one workshop to teachers in their Pokhara stay. The module of the session was designed, developed and put in action by team themselves.
The major goals of PESH Education developed by PNN for schools were:
- To psycho-educate students.
- To enhance their mental skills and competencies.
- To share information on how to better support students from Psychological perspective and also to interact with them.
The goals were not limited to these. Students gained various other aspects of motivation, learning, psychological aspects from the session.
Photos from School Program at Gyankunja S.S (Feb-17)
Photos from School Program at Himanchal H.S.S (Feb 18)
Photos from workshop with teachers at Himanchal H.S.S
Few of the feedbacks from many we collected at the end of the program:
Outcomes of our PSEH Education:
- Students got psycho-education regarding various psychological aspects needed for them.
- Students became aware about how to handle stressors – academically and personally.
Our special thanks to Sansar Nepal. This is the first program we did on collaboration, looking forward to much of the programs we will be doing together throughout various schools.
Looking forward to other schools visits to talk about Psychology and Mental Health.
Let’s make the world better place to live in by working on the issues which we are passionate about!