The Value of Collectivism in Nepal : The Changing Dynamics

When we hear the word “values”, some of the ideas that pop in our head might be- norms, traditions, rules, beliefs, morals, and the likes. Commonly and simply defined, values are certain principles or guidelines that determine our way of interpreting and making sense of certain situation, attitude, or objects. The study of values or […]
PESH Education in Pokhara

23 Feburary 2016 Psychbigyaan Team visited Pokhara with their school program from Feburary 16 – Feburary 20 for ‘PESH (Psychological, Emotional, Social, Health Education’. The visit was coordinated and sponsored by Sansar Nepal, NGO that is supporting children for education and skills. Psychbigyaan Team comprising Kripa Sigdel, Sujan Shrestha and Ashish Kafle had completed […]
Psychology and its prospects in Nepal

Psychology is probably one of the most misunderstood fields of study among lay men. A new kid on the block, it only separated from Philosophy roughly about 146 years ago and established itself as a scientific entity after the establishment of first psychology laboratory by Wilhelm Wundt in Leipzig, Germany on 1879 A.D. The other […]