Manojigyasa Episode 13

This is the podcast of the radio program Manojigyasa which was originaly broadcasted from Ujjyalo 90 Network. Manojigyasa is a program based on Psychology and Mental Health. This was originally broadcasted on February 13, 2016.
In this program we have covered:
1.History of psychology in the context of Nepal with Sujen Man Maharjan
2.The education of intellectual disabled kids
3. Psychbigyaan tip to boost your relationship with your partner
Psychology and its prospects in Nepal

Psychology is probably one of the most misunderstood fields of study among lay men. A new kid on the block, it only separated from Philosophy roughly about 146 years ago and established itself as a scientific entity after the establishment of first psychology laboratory by Wilhelm Wundt in Leipzig, Germany on 1879 A.D. The other […]
Manojigyasa Episode 12

This is the podcast of the radio program Manojigyasa which was originaly broadcasted from Ujjyalo 90 Network. Manojigyasa is a program based on Psychology and Mental Health. This was originally broadcasted on February 6, 2016.
In this episode we have talked with senior counselor Sohan Pradhanang on various issues regarding the mental health treatment and addressed the concerns of the people that we received in messages.
Manojigyasa Episode 11

This is the podcast of the radio program Manojigyasa which was originaly broadcasted from Ujjyalo 90 Network on January 30, 2016. Manojigyasa is a program based on Psychology and Mental Health.
In this program we have covered:
1.Importance of meditation (with the help of Dharma Sringa Bipaasana Dhyan Kendra)
2.Mindfulness and mental health (with the help of Rojina Manandhar)
3. Psychbigyaan tip on the relationship between food and our mind
Manojigyasa Episode 10

This is the podcast of the radio program Manojigyasa which was originaly broadcasted from Ujjyalo 90 Network. Manojigyasa is a program based on Psychology and Mental Health. This was originally broadcasted on January 23, 2016.
In this episode, we have covered:
1) Parent child relationship
2)Juvenile deliquency
3) Psychbigyaan tip on Parenting
Manojigyasa – Episode 9

This is the podcast of the radio program Manojigyasa which was originaly broadcasted from Ujjyalo 90 Network. Manojigyasa is a program based on Psychology and Mental Health. This was originally broadcasted on January 16, 2016.
In this episode we have covered:
1) The importance of having alone time
2) The relationship betweeen religion and happiness
3) Psychbigyaan Tip on the benefit of learning more than one language