In Tribute To YamaBuddha

For me, suicides bring a long history of painful memories and partially solved emotional riddles. This event has once again exposed my vulnerability in processing the news related to suicides of people with whom I feel connected to. It’s a sad story to share but in these past 5 years, 5 cases of suicides have shaken my mental well-being quite brutally. I have witnessed 3 suicides in my college hostel, another one of my student last year and this recent one which have given me the most recent shock.
Manojigyasa Episode 42

We have presented the life and work of the legend of Psychology in Nepal , Prof Dr Ayan Bahadur Shrestha. A report on the current status of suicide in Nepal and the closing program of Hatemalo Program.
Manojigyasa Episode 34

This is the podcast of the radio program Manojigyasa which was originally broadcasted from Ujjyalo 90 Network. Manojigyasa is a program based on Psychology and Mental Health. This was originally broadcasted on July 16, 2016.
We have Ashley Hagaman sharing her research on ‘Suicide Surveillance and Health System in Nepal: A qualitative research’ in our first part and then regarding ‘Sand Play therapy’ with Counselor Shristi Shresta in the second.
We also have Psyhbigyaan Tip at the end.
Manojigyasa – Episode 2

‘Manojigyasa” is the radio initiative of Psychbigyaan Newtwork Nepal which exclusively deals with the topic of Psychology and Mental Health.
Our second episode went on air on November -28, 2015 (mangisr-12, 2072). To listen to our program live, you should listen to Ujyaalo 90 Network, Every Saturday from 5:15 PM.
The program is prepared with the support from US Embassy Nepal, GPYC Nepal and Ujyaalo 90 Network. And the program is coordinated and presented by Kripa Sigdel and Sujan Shrestha.
In this episode we have covered:
1) Careers in Psychology
2) Sucide in Nepal : causes, prevention
3) Report on Gov’ s policy regarding on Sucide
4) Edu. Tip- How to boost your performance in exam
Mental illness and suicide in Nepal : their corelations
A very lucid analysis of the relationship between mental illness and suicide in Nepal from Nepali times article. It depicts the scenario of the increasing trendz of suicide with proper data on the age-group, sex and region wise. The underlying reasons found for the suicide has been mental illness that is left untreated for the […]