On 21st April Psychbigyaan team and students of Padma Kanya Campus jointly conducted a teachers training on Identifying Problems and Supporting Students of Transitional Phase for 3 different govt. schools of Tyalghar Dhading in Shree Dilli Sabitri Secondary School at Shikre Khola, Dharke.  The program was supported by US Embassy’s Program – Humphrey Fellowship. The program […]

Psychbigyaan Kurakani on ‘How to better support students’ (February)

‘Psychbigyaan Kurakani’ is the monthly discourse program which has been organizing by ‘Psychbigyaan Network Nepal’ in certain topics every month. The motive of our program is to open floor for the topics related to Psychology and Mental Health. And, for the month of February we got the opportunity to hold our discourse for the 12 […]