On 24 th May, a month after the devastating Gorkha Earthquake, Psychbigyaan conducted 3 days Youth Engagement Camp in Chhauni Army Barrack with the collaboration and assistance from Youth Action Nepal. It’s been a month of the devastation and people are slowing coming with the terms of physical loss and damages but are still unaware of whats happening inside their mind. On this occasion Psychbigyaan team comprising of Sujan, Kripa and Sanjeev along with the volunteers of Youth Action Nepal stepped up to help the most vulnerable youths who have been sitting idle and were at the risk of psychological and emotional problems.


We successfully engaged around 50 youths of the age group 16-21 years for 3 days. On the first day we engaged the youth with socialization among the participants which helped them to get to know more about each other. Then there were games and easy techniques for controlling their mind and venting up their emotions and stress. On the second day, we engaged the youths with team building games and focussed group discussion. On the third day we devised a little dose of cognitive behavioural therapy which made them appreciate the positive aspect of the impacts of earthquake.

On a whole the program was successful and fulfilled its prime objective to engage and educate the youths so that it is easy for them to come out of this traumatic experience. There had been lacking of the psycho-socio programs particularly for the youth because most of the programs were targeted for playgroup kids because of which we felt the need for the psychosocio intervention for the youths. Not only were the participants benefitted but also the volunteers got to learn the psychological aspect of the programs which they could replicate in other places.


This program was difficult for us to conduct because first we were ourselves stressed because of the earthquake and we had never done such program . But at the end it had turned out to be fruitful and that has given the team an immense satisfaction. We are committed to do more such programs with improvisation plus other psycho-socio programs . Psychbigyaan team stands with and support for the earthquake victims. Stay tuned for more of our works.

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