How to make an Emotionally Healthy Year in 2019?

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Psychbigyaan podcast is a multimedia initiative to make people aware of their own behaviours and psychology. We just interact and talk about the issues regarding the things that’s affecting our behaviours. In this podcast, PNN members have given tips to make new year an emotionally health year.

Psychbigyaan Podcast: Interview with Martha Berg

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Martha Berg is the inspiring young lady working in Mental Health and the research. She is the Graduate researcher and Master’s student of Duke University who was in Nepal for her research. We met her and had chat and this is the part of the formal chat we had on August 13th afternoon at our […]

Psychbigyaan Podcast: Food and Psychology

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Psychbigyaan podcast is a multimedia initiative to make people aware of their own behaviours and psychology. We just interact and talk about the issues regarding the things that’s affecting our behaviours. In this episode, we are talking about Food and Psychology and its relationship in the well-being of any human. Here is the link of the […]

Psychbigyaan Podcast -5 : Introducing Careers in Psychology! (October)

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This October, in Psychbigyaan Podcast, we are talking and sharing information we have regarding ”Careers in Psychology”. This is one of the main question regarding Psychology interested student, hope this episode is helpful. Give a listen and feedback would be much appreciated via email : or our facebook page. Sound Cloud and Youtube Link […]

Psychbigyaan Podcast -2 : ‘About Our Campaign- Hami Sunchhau (We Listen) !’ (JUNE)

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Post Earthquake- 2015/April-25, Psychbigyaan team has been doing various works related to children and adolescents. In continuation to that, we are starting our new campaign called ‘Hami Sunchhau-We Listen’ from June 10 for 15 days in Tudhikhel, one of the largest open space in Kathmandu, where hundreds of affected people are staying in tents post […]