Manojigyasa Episode 53

Special podcast for the anniversary of the radio program ‘Manojigyasa’ !!
Psychbigyaan Podcast: Interview with Martha Berg

Martha Berg is the inspiring young lady working in Mental Health and the research. She is the Graduate researcher and Master’s student of Duke University who was in Nepal for her research. We met her and had chat and this is the part of the formal chat we had on August 13th afternoon at our […]
Manojigyasa Episdoe 37

This is the episode published on August 6 2016. We are talking about ‘International Research Conference which was organized in Nepal’ in the first part, ‘Air Pollution and its psychological perspective’ in second and the ‘psychbigyaan tip’ in third. Feedback would be appreciated … The youtube link is here : Manojigyaasa Episode 37
‘How to study Better?’ (PNN School Initiative)

19 July 2016 Psychbigyaan Team conducted mini workshop in British Gorkha College with their school program for ‘How to be better student? The module of the session was designed, developed and put in action by team themselves on the basis of their knowledge and learning. The major goals of ‘How to study better?’ developed by PNN for […]
One day Training Workshop on Motivational Interviewing

2 July 2016 Psychbigyaan Network Nepal (PNN) conducted one day workshop on the theme of “Motivational Interviewing” on 2nd of July 2016 with venue support from Global Peace Youth Corp (GPYC) Nepal. The workshop was facilitated by Ms. Priti Pun, Masters in Mental Health Sciences with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) specialization from Flinders University Australia. […]
Manojigyasa Episode 16

This is the podcast of the radio program Manojigyasa which was originally broadcasted from Ujjyalo 90 Network. Manojigyasa is a program based on Psychology and Mental Health. This was originally broadcasted on March 5, 2016.
In this program Clinical Psychologist, Narmada Devkota answered the queries sent by the listeners . Apart from that we talked with her on ADHD in children.