Twiiter chat on #MentalHealthNepal organized by #Psychbigyaan

Twiiter chat on #MentalHealthNepal organized by #Psychbigyaan -Psychbigyaan On Saturday, 13 December 2014 Psychbigyaan organized the twitter chat on Mental Health condition in Nepal with professionals and stakeholders. The event was held for an hour from NST 7 pm to 8 pm. Notably three persons involved in Mental Health shared very important views about the […]
Psychbigyaan team Visted the school!

‘’We need Counselors in Every School’’- This has always been one of the major belief of Psychbigyaan team. With the motive of awaring students about transition and letting them know about Psychology and Mental Health, Psychbigyaan team Kripa Sigdel, Sujan Shrestha and Sanjeev Bhandari visited a school named ‘’Gyan Bhumi Secondary School’’ of Futung Nagarpalika, […]