ToT on Post Crisis Pychological Care

tot on post disaster psychological care

ToT on Post Crisis Pychological Care June 3, 2015 Psychbiygaan team gave training to the 8 volunteers of Rise Nepal on the topic Post Crisis Psychological Care on June 2, 2015. It was conducted on the venue of Global Peace Foundation at Kamaladi, Kathmandu. The team members Kripa, Sujan and Sanjeev divided the session among […]

Debunking the famous Neuromyths


Neuromyths are are the misconceptions about the brain. They are loosely based on scientific facts but are actually false. They are staggeringly prevalent among the educators and school and appear to be true and convincing in the face value.

Are sociopath and psychopath the same?

psychopath and sociopath

  –Sujan Shrestha Are sociopath and psychopath the same? There’s a famous British telly series , Sherlock, in which Benedict Cumberbatch plays the leading role of Sherlock Holmes. Because of his eccentric behaviour and his passion for crime (solving them) he is labelled as a ‘psychopath’ by some of his haters to which he refutes […]

Can selfie tell your underlying personality?


Human psyche is always evolving and changing. The dynamic nature of the personality makes the study and determination of the personality of person difficult. Personality is not only what is shown or manifested outside.

Time and Again – New Year Resolution

Sujan is a recent Psychology Graduate and enthusiast psychology student. His interests lies in Research and Clinical Psychology. He is also a writer and blogger. He is also responsible for editing PNN’s website and blog as Chief- Editor

Time and Again – New Year Resolution… -Sujan Shrestha January 1st or Baisakh 1, usually these are the days people are found to be in unusual mood of happiness and optimism. The moroseness of humdrum of life withers away and there blossoms a new man, the man with strong determination and who has belief in […]