Bipolar day celebrated in Kathmandu!
Patan, 26 March 2015 Kripa Sigdel Nepal Mental Health Foundation (NMHF) celebrated Bipolar Day today at Yala Maya Kendra. The program lasted for 2 hours
Patan, 26 March 2015 Kripa Sigdel Nepal Mental Health Foundation (NMHF) celebrated Bipolar Day today at Yala Maya Kendra. The program lasted for 2 hours
A very lucid analysis of the relationship between mental illness and suicide in Nepal from Nepali times article. It depicts the scenario of the increasing
Deepika Padukone, is a well known bollywood actress. Apparently nobody would think she might be suffering from mental problems because she was famous and rich.
According to the report published by the police 13 people in average commit suicide everyday in Nepal. Nepal Police has published the comprehensive report on
What is Psychology? Psychology is the science of mind and behavior. It comprises a body of knowledge about human behavior, research to obtain and extend
The meeting of mental health proffessionals of 12 countries in Lumbini has been kicked off. On this occassion, the nepalese mental health proffessionals have revealed
Psychbigyaan Network Nepal is a registered organization established in 2015. It is purely youth led organization working to promote Mental Health and Psychology.The word ‘Psychbigyaan’ is an amalgamation of a English and a Nepali word . Psych means Mind and Bigyaan (which is a Nepali word) means science.
Dhobighat-4, Lalitpur
Bagmati Province
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Made with ♥ by Abhishek Acharya