Nepal in the 8 th rank country to have the highest suicidal rate in the world
According to the report published by the police 13 people in average commit suicide everyday in Nepal. Nepal Police has published the comprehensive report on the death by suicides over the span of 10 years from the 61/62 to 70/72. 29,905 people committed suicide in that time span according to the report. This figure has […]
Twiiter chat on #MentalHealthNepal organized by #Psychbigyaan

Twiiter chat on #MentalHealthNepal organized by #Psychbigyaan -Psychbigyaan On Saturday, 13 December 2014 Psychbigyaan organized the twitter chat on Mental Health condition in Nepal with professionals and stakeholders. The event was held for an hour from NST 7 pm to 8 pm. Notably three persons involved in Mental Health shared very important views about the […]